I understand that attendance of a dog training class is not without risk to myself, members of my family or guests who may attend, or my dog, because some of the dogs to which I (we) will be exposed maybe difficult to control and may be the cause of injury even when handled with the greatest amount of care.
I hereby waive and release Obedience Club of San Diego County Inc. (hereafter referred to as “the Club”) from any and all liability of any nature, for injury or damage which I or my dog may suffer, including specifically, but not without limitation, any injury while attending any training session or other function of the Club, or while on the training grounds or the surrounding areas thereto.
In consideration of, and as inducement to, the acceptance of my application for training membership in this obedience training class,
I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Club, its Members and Trainers, from any and all claims, or claims by any member of my family, or any other person accompanying me to any training session or function of the Club, or while on the grounds or the surrounding areas thereto, as a result of any action by any dog, including my own.
I understand that it is my personal responsibility to maintain control of any dog in my care and custody while attending any training class or other function of the Club. Any injuries that my dog inflicts on another person or dog are my responsibility.
I understand that it is my personal responsibility to insure that my dog has the age appropriate vaccination protocol.
The OCSDC, a mutual benefit nonprofit is regulated by the Federal Government, State of California, and the AKC. Your personal information will not be shared with third parties outside of the Club unless required by law.
I fully attest to the best of my knowledge that I do not have COVID-19 at the time of attending this event/class/practice. I also attest that I have NOT been in contact with or exposed to any known carrier of COVID-19 within the past 15 days. I will not attend classes/events/practice if I or my dog am ill and contagious or possibly contagious.
I will follow all AKC and OCSDC event/practice rules and requirements to reduce any exposure and possibility of contracting or spreading the virus. I will also fully cooperate with any City, County or State guidelines that have jurisdiction in the area in which the event/practice is taking place. I fully submit that the OCSDC, the American Kennel Club, the venue, any workers, any volunteers, any sponsors, or any instructors, are in no way liable for any present or future COVID-19 exposure incurred at any time by any person, in attendance or not in attendance, during or after this event/class/practice.
I agree to the text above (will be required on your membership application)
: Copyright © 2023-2024 Obedience Club of San Diego County - All Rights Reserved.
January/February Classes—Sign Up Now!
Puppy Manners, Beginning & Intermediate Obedience
See direct links to sign up forms on home page.
OCSDC Scent Work Trials
Feb 8th & 9th
March 29th & 30th
OCSDC Obedience Trial — Feb 21st
Volunteers Needed! For Details,
Contact Karen info@ocsdc.org
Or use Our Scent Work Volunteer Form
Obedience Trial Volunteer Form
Taking Trophy Donations Now — Donate Here!
Time to Renew Your Membership!
Click Here for Renewal Instructions on Our New App!