The Obedience Club of San Diego County, Inc. was founded in 1949 by a responsible and insightful group of dog fanciers whose goal was to share their knowledge and expertise with the dog-owning community.
The Club's mission is to provide high quality instruction for both pet and competitive dog owners at a reasonable price. We welcome all dogs whether they need basic training or are dogs ready for competition.
The Obedience Club of San Diego County regularly conducts annual AKC Licensed Obedience, Rally and Scent work Trials, as well as providing testing for the AKC's Star Puppy, Canine Good Citizen and Temperament Test (ATT) programs.
All of our instructors have extensive training experience, and have earned multiple titles in a variety of dog sports including Obedience, Rally, Scent Work, Tracking, Trick, Conformation and Agility.
Our basic puppy Manners & Basic Obedience classes are held on a regular basis. These classes help you and your dog develop a trusting and positive relationship. We offer a variety of courses for raising happy, cooperative dogs by providing them with a strong foundation for a wide variety of competitive dog sports. In addition, our instructors utilize a variety of training methods to teach fun, interesting activities and exercises, in a positive supportive class environment.
Training classes are typically held Tuesday thru Thursday evenings at the San Diego Zoo parking lot. Drop in Classes for Obedience, Rally, Scent Work and Conformation are also offered to our members.
Please refer to the course and drop in schedule for class offerings, registration and start times.
General Business Meetings are held monthly, and the following events are considered Social Meetings. General Meeting times and places are announced my email to the membership, posted on the Members Facebook page and shown in the Pop Up menu when you first enter the OCSDC website.
Further details will be announced as the dates draw closer.
The "June With Joan" event is a unique experience involving an evening at the Pillsbury Ranch during which Joan Embery and her staff of animal handler's present an educational program involving the various animals they keep on the Ranch and stories of her lifetime commitment to wildlife conservation.
We have over 200 members from all over San Diego County and beyond. Our members have dogs of all breeds and mixes, sizes and shapes, from breeders and rescues. They compete in rally obedience, scent work, obedience, tracking, agility and more.
Our club is run by a volunteer board of directors and an unruly band of resourceful trainers.
The Happy Heeler is our monthly newsletter where we share the happenings in the club, member brags, announcements of things to come and many educational articles involving the care and training of our dogs.
We are working on collecting an archive of some older newsletters for reference.
If you are new to our club, you'll want to join as an associate member. This initial associate membership is for a 4 month period, during which you are welcome to come to any of the Drop In Classes once your initial class is finished. After the 4 months, if you would like to continue with our club, you may switch to a regular membership for $30.00 per calendar year. Click here to submit your membership application.
Attendance at classes and club events indicates that you have read and agree with the OCSDC's club protocols on dog handling.
: Copyright © 2023-2024 Obedience Club of San Diego County - All Rights Reserved.
Feb Scentwork Trial Photos Avail.
AKC Certified CGCU Class is Open Now !
Thanks to our members and friends, our first police dog has been totally funded! Thank you all!